Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Fun has Begun!

It's here! I started my shots last Friday and holy cow was I nauseous even after just 45 min!!! I had two soccer games that night and I'm actually glad I did.... It took my mind off the feelings that I was having. The first round of shots went well. I am SO thankful that my dad was there to help me! We watched the videos together and I was still like, ugh what am I supposed to do lol. But we eventually got it! And I did my first injections myself, he helped with the mixing.

The next night, I was on my own and a little frantic. I mixed needles up and it took me an extra 20 minutes to get the Menopur in. Ugh I was freaking out just a bit, but my boyfriend was there to tell me to just breathe and take a moment to figure it out. I was using the wrong needle to draw up the medication, called my dad, fixed it, then the needle for the injection was bum, and wouldn't go in, so I got a new needle and then wha-la! Done. I started feeling crampy and a bit uneasy so we spent the night in, watching movies and eating pizza and ice cream :) the ice cream was a surprise and MAN was it a good one!

Sunday I went to dance and blah I felt like complete crap. I couldn't dance full out and we were choosing partners based off performance and getting our formations and at one point, I started crying. I couldn't help it, the stomach pain, and the lack of confidence in my dancing that I normally never feel. I'm still near the front for most of the dancing, so I had nothing to be upset about but I just like doing my best all the time! Afterwards I headed to Skyline with some of my loves and had lots of good talks :) I LOVE SUNDAYS! That night and Monday night my shots went off without a single issue, besides feeling sick to my stomach and the cramps and my one hot flash but hey it was WAY worst last cycle.

I had a dr. apt on Tuesday and took a half day after since, well I have a ton of vacation days to use by the end of the year and ugh, I kinda felt like shit the past few days. However the apt cheered me up. I got a blood work up, just one vial :) and then had my ultra sound and .......... I have 11 big healthy eggs. I was a bit nervous, because last time, I had 21 and I thought something was wrong. But the dr. informed me that they have seen this before in repeat donors, they don't have such a strong reaction the second cycle. I got to see all the eggs and they are much bigger than they were last time, which is fantastic! They have added another shot, this one to make sure I do not ovulate until they need me to. So bring it on, if I can do two shots, hell, I can do three.

I now have another appointment on Friday for another blood workup and ultra sound. Then we will determine the retrieval date! Which will either be Sunday or Monday.... It's almost now I just keep taking the shots, wearing my most stretchy pants (my stomach is SO freaking bloated) lol, and keep dealing with the cramps and nausea and soon enough it will just be a memory.

Today I also found out that my boyfriend, who doesn't live in the same city as me is going to change his work schedule (if needed Monday) to take me to the retreival and spend the day with me afterwards. It made me tear up a little because this time, I'm a little more anxious about the transfer, not really sure why but for whatever reason I am... and he's really good at keeping my crazy little mind calm. And the hormones don't help haha.

I'm really excited this is finally all here and it's real... and I can't wait for all of the results at the end of this!

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